Kelly the Culinarian: Kitchen gadget: Salad shaker

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Kitchen gadget: Salad shaker

As previously stated, I love shopping at Goodwill. There's always fun stuff to be had. A little gem that I found last week was this salad shaker. It's a little device that's a bit like a vessel you use to mix cake batter. In the top is a little reservoir that you fill with 2 ounces of dressing. When you tummy rumbles, push down on the top and the dressing is released. Shake to combine and serve. Yum!

I like this because everything is self contained and doesn't require extra containers. Also, the dressing is equally distributed throughout the salad. It's not that difficult to clean either and I think if I had a dishwasher, it would be really easy. The only downside is that because of the shape, it's hard to eat salads with smaller chunks of veggies or cheese if you can't spear it with a fork.

If you're a salad enthusiast (or trying to be, like me) this is a great little invention and helps keep your lunch together.


A Mature Student said...

When I first saw this, I thought it was Jamie Oliver's salad shaker.
I think it may actually do the same job but you put salad leaves in this shaker as well. :)

Nora B. said...

This would be good for my lunch at work. I wonder if there is a similar product in Australia....
p/s: I almost went to Northwestern but ended up in Michigan (Ann Arbour). This was a while back. ;-) I hope you are enjoying it there.