Kelly the Culinarian: Bites and Bevs

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bites and Bevs

We discovered last night that my favorite Cuban place was closed for remodeling. I could have cried.  So we went to La Magdalena instead.  Strangely, Tim's burrito came with fries.  My chicken in mole sauce was fine (and Tim really loved it), but I like the mole sauce at Quesa Brosa much better.
To help sweat out those margaritas, I went to CrossFit this morning for a cardio-focused team workout.  It included rowing and running, as well as a bit of lifting. It's surprisingly hot today - I think it's going to top out at around 70. At the end of my session, I was seriously sweating and needed a drink STAT. The people who represent Coca-Cola Freestyle contact me a while back, and I remembered that there was one of these machines near my CrossFit gym.

It's pretty cool - It looks like a stainless steel fridge and has every coke product you can imagine within the same machine.  This is the future, folks! I eyed the cherry vanilla diet coke, but went with a Powerade Zero grape instead to help replace the electrolytes I sweated out.  The fruit punch flavor is my favorite post runs and I downed at least three of them after the Fox Valley Marathon

Now, I'm off to have lunch with Rachael at a new place!

As always, vendors might be able to buy my time, but my opinions are priceless. I will be compensated for including this information on my blog, but the thoughts here are all my own. Always.

1 comment:

Losing Lindy said...

I haven't tried one of those machines. I actually have given up pop for the most part, currently having one about two to three times a month. My friend is on day 47 pop free