Kelly the Culinarian: Happy Thoughts All Around

Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Thoughts All Around

I was planning on running. Really, I was. But I got home and felt kind of worn down. Then my garmin was dead. Then I couldn't find my headphones. The universe was telling me it was time to take a rest day.  I tried a new recipe. Here's my four-point dinner. Impressive, no? It's shaved zucchini with 3/4 marinara sauce (3 points) and 1 Tablespoon of Parmesan cheese (1 point). I had a salad with zero-point honey dijon on the side and will be enjoying some red wine and dark chocolate momentarily.

In the meantime, I'd like to encourage you to send positive thoughts to a few people.  Guest blogger extraordinaire Jenny headed back to the hospital tonight to investigate a possible blood clot. I'm waiting to hear more.
It's easy to look happy before the marathon starts ...
Napoleon will not humor you.

I has it.
Also, my fur nephew, Bowie, is really quite ill with a mysterious ailment. My sister e-mailed me Friday saying that Bowie started limping when he was outside, but then was fine when they went inside. It was bitter cold last week, and I told her Napoleon sometimes gets so cold he just stops walking.  I win for worst advice ever.

Bowie continued this, so my sister took him to the vet today. They still don't know what the problem is. I guess he'll be fine and prancing around, then he'll shriek in pain. The vet thinks he may have eaten something he wasn't supposed to, as they've ruled out a pancreas problem. My sister's boyfriend is taking the day off to take Bowie back to the animal hospital for more tests. In the meantime, he's on a special diet and pain meds.

I'll be thinking of these guys tonight, and I hope you will, too.


Kim said...

I hope Jenny and Bowie are ok!

runningthewindycity said...

Oh no, I hope everyone is okay!

I just read an article about runners and blood clots and apparently blood clots tend to happen in active people. Weird right? Either way, it's nothing to take lightly.