Kelly the Culinarian: Cheating on My Rest Day

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cheating on My Rest Day

Anyone else get antsy on rest day? Perhaps it's a manifestation of my overall training anxiety, but taking a day off makes me cranky. Especially since I had a crappy first training week.

I tried to make the best of my rest day by sleeping like a boss. I got nine solid hours of sleep last night, then did grocery shopping during my lunch break for a fun blogger workshop I'm hosting this Sunday. After work, I took our furriest family member on a long walk. It was quite a nice night and a lovely walk, especially for someone whose legs are only eight inches tall.

I then scrubbed and sanitized my house to prep for the blogger get together and made a great pre-long run dinner to get me fueled up for tomorrow's run.

I still want to go hop on the bike and spin for a while, though. I'm fighting the urge and will likely go to bed early as a result.

Do you like rest days? Am I the only freak that gets anxious from resting?

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