Kelly the Culinarian: Marathons and Marriages

Friday, October 7, 2016

Marathons and Marriages

Happy marathon eve to all my running buddies! While I've run the Chicago Marathon (unofficially), I won't be hitting the pavement tomorrow morning at an ungodly hour. Instead, it's early to bed for me for a whole other reason. Tomorrow I start my new life as a new wife.

And I cannot wait.

In many ways, it's not unlike the marathon. It's been months of work getting here. It's been a long journey requiring dedication.

I'll be working a hell of a lot less tomorrow, though. There's make up and hair, set up and getting ready, but it's mostly just fun stuff for me tomorrow. There will be zero black toe nails, salt sticks, Gu packets, chafing or exhaustion, I can tell you that much. But there will be just as much joy, love and accomplishment.

Best of luck to my marathoning friends. First or 500th, it's an amazing experience. Enjoy your post-race beer, shower and nap, and think of me walking down the aisle around that time.

See you on the other side!

1 comment:

Maggie W said...

Yay congratulations!! Hope you have an amazing day!