Kelly the Culinarian: Three Things Thursday

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Three Things Thursday

1. We lost power during the weekend and were very grateful for our gas fireplace. It actually wasn't that bad - the kids did crafts and made smores and raced around the basement on their scooters with glow sticks. But man, it was a good reminder that we need candles, flashlights and matches.

2. It's January and I'm still running outside. I got this puffy vest at Costco for $9 and it's really making a difference in keeping me toasty outside. The catch? I found it in the little girl's section. So now we know I can wear a girl's size 12 if need be.

3. Today is the smallest one's birthday, and his school doesn't allow us to bring candy or treats to celebrate. I was at a loss, so we went with the one thing all kids love - glow sticks. A visit to the dollar store and some crafting over cocktails and here we have it. I hope the kiddos enjoy it.


Katie @ Live Half Full said...

Nice idea with the glow sticks. I'm saving that one for later!

Maggie W said...

Wait, are kids required to bring something to school on their birthday?? Or is that just a nice thing you did?? I don't recall doing that when we were kids.

KellytheCulinarian said...

So it's not required, and I'm sure the kids don't notice the difference. B has been at this school two years and I can only remember once that a toy or prize actually survived long enough to be brought home. But it's one of the mommy guilt things that I wonder if other parents would judge me for opting out of.