
Saturday, November 3, 2012

If You're Reading This, I'm Running a Marathon

Me and Jenny at the start of Fox Valley.
She ran the 20, I did the marathon.

Yesterday, I took the day off of work, picked up Jenny in Tinley Park and drove to Indianapolis for the Monumental Marathon. She ran a certain large marathon in the city last month, and it was a let down. After months of training and hours on her feet, she didn't get a medal because they ran out.  How a marathon of that size runs out, I shall never know.

So today, we're out for redemption. This run isn't about me. I actually don't care if I finish it or not, frankly. This run is all about Jenny, my running buddy and cheerleader.

The plan is to run five miles, then walk for three minutes.  Repeat. I programmed the workout on Garmin Connect and sent it to my watch.
The goal is to complete the run intervals at 13-minute per mile pace to meet the 6 1/2 cutoff.

The way I see it, Jenny has procured my services to help her reach her marathon goal.  Despite the fact that I am not nearly as well-trained as I was for the Fox Valley Marathon, I intend to do everything within my power to get her to the finish line today by 2:30.

Why am I doing this, despite my lack of training and the promise of pain? Because runners pay it forward. Jenny has been there for me.  When I saw her 20 some miles into the marathon, it really recharged my batteries. And now, it's time for me to return the favor.

If you'd like to track us live, check out the action here.  Otherwise, see you on the other side!


  1. What a great friend! Fingers crossed you two do great!

  2. Youre so kind, theres no way I could take you all that way and have you leave without a medal, and the half split was far too early, lets face it you would have missed me and my annoying British accent.

    But now we are 2-2 on the marathon front and I have my next one in January making it 3-2, so unless u wanna lose, suck it up and run another before me!!! mwaahhaaaaaaaaaa

  3. That's so awesome! I loved your outfits too! Can't wait to read your race recap.


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