
Monday, July 1, 2013

Motivational Monday

Coming off my triathlon victory this weekend, I'm feeling pretty good about the 70.3 Racine Half Ironman later this month. I can't believe it's only three weeks away. I feel like I've been training and preparing for this forever.

It's been a long time since I first saw a video on YouTube of an Ironman and thought, "Why in the hell would anyone want to run a marathon after already working out for hours?" But the idea took hold of me, rattling around in my brain.

It was at a time when I was trying to lose weight for the sake of being skinnier. But eventually, the idea of an Ironman took hold of me. I wanted to do something more than get slim. I wanted to get fit. I wanted to do something epic that I could look back at when I'm old and say "I did that. I accomplished all of that."

I'm feeling confident. Strong. And I am ready. I felt dialed in this weekend and focused on the finish. My nutrition seems to be right now, my training has been consistent and I've gone the distance.

The water might churn, the wind might blow, the clouds might pour down and the sun might make my skin wish for mercy. But I am not afraid.

I've prepared for these moments. I experience discomfort regularly and learn to live it, then let it go. It doesn't control me because I have a plan. And that plan is to finish at all costs, and finish smiling.

Racine, I'm coming for you.


  1. LOVE THIS. You're going to be amazing!!!

  2. Awesome!!!!! This is just begging to be on many pinterest boards!

  3. So exciting! You're almost there! :)

  4. that photo is intense! I think you planted a seed in the back of my mind to do this in the next few years!

  5. Way to go girl! I'll be thinking of you! You look like such a badass in that photo!

  6. Yay! I'm excited for you! I'm excited for Racine as well! Hopefully we get a chance to meet! :D

  7. You are super strong, and amazing. You have this!

  8. So amazing. You are going to kick some butt!


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