
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Three Things Thursday

1. It's almost Easter! sent me these adorable Easter Egg Cake Pops that are almost too cute to eat. Almost. They arrived yesterday and Tim told me it was basically everything he loves about cake, rolled in chocolate. On a stick. If you want to get in on the goodness, you'll save 10 percent on the entire Easter collection if you use easter14.

2. Probably old news by now, but among Google's hilarious repertoire of pranks for April Fool's Day, Google+ went back through some of each users' photos to add  David Hasselhoff. Well-played, Google. I did not see that one coming. My favorite: Sweaty selfie with the Hoff.
3. I'm going to a networking event tonight that I'm super excited about. It's called Cupcakes Under the Influence and Katie and I both got comped tickets. All I know is that we're getting booze-infused cupcakes and cocktails. And this fact makes me happy.
I hope it's just like this


  1. It kind of looks like you are giving birth to the Hoff, which is a little horrifying, lol.

  2. I didn't even know about that Hasselhoff prank. That's got to be one of the best ones yet! hahah!

  3. Where did you find your picture with him in there? I looked through mine and didn't see anything recent.

    Those cake pops look amazing..I would probably eat them before I would get them to V...

  4. Check your auto awesome folder on Google+. I had three options with the Hoff!

  5. I'm jellie of this. i want drunk cupcakes too!


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