Kelly the Culinarian: Media meal: This week's Top Chef

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Media meal: This week's Top Chef

This week, the chefs were tasked with creating a multi-course meal in pairs with each dish based on a chef's favorite meal. There were some great ones, with the winner being the first course of fish paired with white chocolate and faux caviar, inspired by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

The lucky recipients of this delicious presentation were guests invited to a Richard Roper-hosted dinner party. Man, I wish we were BFF because the food looked delish.
It got me thinking about my own movie preferences and how food would be best paired. One of my favorite movies is Cruel Intentions and what strikes me most about the movie is the sophistication of the characters and the richness of the scenery. If I were to make a dish based on this film, I'd go with a decadent, sophisticated entree such as a truffle risotto or perhaps a kobe steak topped with morel sauce.

I'm also a fan of Ratatouille, but the options there are just too easy -- perhaps a soup that similar to that which Remy saved in the first scene he meets the young chef or the ratatouille that melted the critic's heart in the end.

So next time you're enjoying a blockbuster, think about what it would taste like, the kind of dish it would inspire. It's actually a thought-provoking challenge that made for great TV this week.

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