Kelly the Culinarian: Thankful Thursday: All the Small Things

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday: All the Small Things

It will be a light posting kind of weekend. I'm out and about, which leads me into this week's Thankful Thursday.
  • I'm thankful to not only have a job, but have a great job that allows me to travel. While my friends and family enjoyed (or not) the first snowfall of the season, I was headed to Houston, where it might top 80 this weekend. Yippee.
  • I'm thankful for compression socks. It's a strange thing to be thankful for, but I'm really happy I ran into a medical supply store right before the Big Hit Half and picked up a pair of $9 compression socks. They make post-race recovery more comfortable and long-distance travel safer as endurance athletes are prone to blood clots.
  • I'm thankful to prescribe to a sport that's as portable as I am. I'm in a new city and the streets are paved with possibilities.
  • I'm thankful that we've moved into apple season. I really need more apple and apple recipes in my life.
  • I'm thankful for for Pinterest, which is super addictive. If you'd like to follow me on Pinterest, you'll soon learn how much I dream about dessert.

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