Kelly the Culinarian: I'm finally home!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm finally home!

After a scary delay on the Korea to Beijing portion of my flight, I was literally the last person to board my 13-hour flight to Chicago from Beijing. Had I missed that flight, this blog wouldn't be happening because I'd be spending the night in Beijing, a place where blogging doesn't exist (along with Facebook, Twitter and almost every Web site I love).
By the numbers, I traveled for 17 hours, watched five movies, finished off the remaining two available episodes of Dexter and ate four really crappy airplane meals.  I swear, the meals were better going there than coming back.  I mean, WTF is this?

Not good. Not at all.
What was good was the tiny little bottle of Bailey's, along with the teeny tiny pretzels.

Also good was Napoleon's report card from the dog walker.
Also good? This package I received from the Fort2Base Race.  What's inside? Surprises and goodies for me and you.
Unfortunately, a dry cleaner and housekeeper are not in this bag, so I'm off to unpack and tackle Mt. Washmore.

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